Rathish Das

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science

University of Houston

I am an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Houston. Prior to that I was a lecturer (tenure-track assistant professor) at the University of Liverpool, UK, and a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Waterloo, hosted by Prof. Ian Munro. I completed my Ph.D in the Computer Science Department of Stony Brook University where I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Michael A. Bender, Prof. Rezaul A. Chowdhury, and Prof. Joseph S. B. Mitchell. My Ph.D. thesis was on Algorithmic Foundation of Parallel Paging and Scheduling under Memory Constraints. 

Before coming to Stony Brook University, I did my masters in Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Bombay, Mumbai

Postdoc opening: I have a postdoc position in parallel algorithms and combinatorial optimization (approximation and online algorithms). If you are interested, please send me your CV. More information can be found here.

Ph.D. openings: I am looking for highly motivated Ph.D. students. If you are interested in algorithms research, please send me your CV.

Research Interest

My research interests primarily lie in approximation and randomized algorithms. In particular, I use approximation and randomization techniques in two major areas: (1) parallel and distributed algorithms for multiprocessor systems and (2) algorithms for massive data sets (``big data''). In the area of multiprocessor computing I concentrate on the algorithmic modeling of the hardware as well as the design and analysis of efficient algorithms for multiprocessor systems. For big data applications I work on I/O-efficient external-memory algorithms and data structures where data is too big to fit into the internal memory and must be retained on external storage.

I also design approximation and randomized algorithms for scheduling, graph, and computational geometry problems. In addition, I solve problems that arise in other areas of science and engineering beyond computer science. 

Refereed Conference Publications (Selected)

[Author lists ending with (*) are presented alphabetically as is customary in theoretical computer science.]

For a complete list of my publications, please refer to my Google Scholar page. 

Program Committee Member


Email: rathish AT uh DOT edu